!function(e){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?e(require("../../lib/codemirror")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["../../lib/codemirror"],e):e(CodeMirror)}((function(e){"use strict";e.registerGlobalHelper("fold","comment",(function(e){return e.blockCommentStart&&e.blockCommentEnd}),(function(t,n){var o=t.getModeAt(n),r=o.blockCommentStart,i=o.blockCommentEnd;if(r&&i){for(var f,l=n.line,c=t.getLine(l),m=n.ch,a=0;;){var d=m<=0?-1:c.lastIndexOf(r,m-1);if(-1!=d){if(1==a&&d Bookkeeping archivos - Rem Premium

According to Hutt, the CBX 4 has a bigger sweet spot, which offers more forgiveness if you frequently hit it off the toe (something I’m notorious for). It’s perfect for snuggling on the couch or donating to Quilts of Valor, Project Linus, or another worthy organization....

AI can help companies drive accountability transparency and meet their governance and regulatory obligations. For example, financial institutions want to be able to weed out implicit bias and uncertainty in applying the power of AI to fight money laundering and other financial crimes. Finally, companies...