!function(e){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?e(require("../../lib/codemirror")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["../../lib/codemirror"],e):e(CodeMirror)}((function(e){"use strict";e.registerGlobalHelper("fold","comment",(function(e){return e.blockCommentStart&&e.blockCommentEnd}),(function(t,n){var o=t.getModeAt(n),r=o.blockCommentStart,i=o.blockCommentEnd;if(r&&i){for(var f,l=n.line,c=t.getLine(l),m=n.ch,a=0;;){var d=m<=0?-1:c.lastIndexOf(r,m-1);if(-1!=d){if(1==a&&d Sober living archivos - Rem Premium

Every guest room is well appointed, comfortable, and quiet. Hope House Boston Review Boston Review is a private peer program which is not affiliated with any state or federal offerings. Testimonials are available on our site, and we are happy to connect you with families...

A study of 300 individuals whom resided in Sober Living Homes (SLH) was published in 2010 by a division of the NIH (National Institute of Health) (Douglas L. Polcin, 2010). That study found that freestanding SLH’s offer enough structure, with no formal treatment, creating an...